stsadm commands

What is STSADM

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes a very powerfull tool the Stsadm, stsadm is for command-line administration of Office SharePoint Server 2007/Moss 2007 you can use this sharepoint 2010 also. it can be used for server and sites 
stsadm can be used by command line or by using batch files or scripts.
There are certain operations and certain parameters that are only available by using the Stsadm command-line tool.

Where the STSADM is Located

Stsadm is located at the following path on the drive where SharePoint Products and Technologies is installed: %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\bin. You must be an administrator on the local computer to use Stsadm.

How to run stsadm.exe command from command prompt

Many a times people think of running stsadm.exe commands from any command prompt.  So here is the way:
1. Open command prompt
2. Type in the following command:  @set PATH=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN;%PATH% 
3. You can now run the stsadm.exe commands from anywhere in the command prompt

Here i am listing out the available STSADM commands list with their syntax.
  1. stsadm -o activatefeature {-filename <relative path to Feature.xml> | -name <feature folder> | -id <feature Id>} [-url <url>] [-force]
  2. stsadm -o activateformtemplate -url <URL to the site collection> [-formid <form template ID>] [-filename <path to form template file>]
  3. stsadm -o addalternatedomain -url <protocol://existing.WebApplication.URLdomain> -incomingurl <protocol://incoming.url.domain> -urlzone <default, extranet, internet, intranet, custom> -resourcename <non-web application resource name>
  4. stsadm -o addcontentdb -url <url> -databasename <database name> [-databaseserver <database server name>] [-databaseuser <database username>] [-databasepassword <database password>] [-sitewarning <site warning count>] [-sitemax <site max count>]
  5. stsadm -o adddataconnectionfile -filename <path to file to add> [-webaccessible <bool>] [-overwrite <bool>] [-category <bool>]
  6. stsadm -o add-ecsfiletrustedlocation -Ssp <SSP name> -Location <URL|UNC> -LocationType SharePoint|Unc|Http -IncludeChildren True|False [-SessionTimeout <time in seconds>] [-ShortSessionTimeout <time in seconds>] [-MaxRequestDuration <time in seconds>] [-MaxWorkbookSize <file size in Mbytes>] [-MaxChartSize <size in Mbytes>] [-VolatileFunctionCacheLifetime <time in seconds>] [-DefaultWorkbookCalcMode File|Manual|Auto|AutoDataTables] [-AllowExternalData None|Dcl|DclAndEmbedded] [-WarnOnDataRefresh True|False] [-StopOpenOnRefreshFailure True|False] [-PeriodicCacheLifetime <time in seconds>] [-ManualCacheLifetime <time in seconds>] [-MaxConcurrentRequestsPerSession <number of requests>] [-AllowUdfs True|False] [-Description <descriptive text>]
  7. stsadm -o add-ecssafedataprovider -Ssp <SSP name> -ID <data provider id> -Type Oledb|Odbc|OdbcDsn [-Description <descriptive text>]
  8. stsadm -o add-ecstrusteddataconnectionlibrary -Ssp <SSP name> -Location <URL> [-Description <descriptive text>]
  9. stsadm -o add-ecsuserdefinedfunction -Ssp <SSP name> -Assembly <strong name|file path> -AssemblyLocation GAC|File [-Enable True|False] [-Description <descriptive text>]
  10. stsadm -o addexemptuseragent -name <user-agent to receive InfoPath files instead of a Web page>
  11. stsadm -o addpath -url <url> -type <explicitinclusion/wildcardinclusion>
  12. stsadm -o addpermissionpolicy -url <url> -userlogin <login name> -permissionlevel <permission policy level> [-zone <URL zone>] [-username <display name>]
  13. stsadm -o addsolution -filename <Solution filename> [-lcid <language>]
  14. stsadm -o addtemplate -filename <template filename> -title <template title> [-description <template description>]
  15. stsadm -o adduser -url <url> -userlogin <DOMAIN\user> -useremail <email address> -role <role name> / -group <group name> -username <display name> [-siteadmin]
  16. stsadm -o addwppack -filename <Web Part Package filename> [-lcid <language>] [-url <url>] [-globalinstall] [-force] [-nodeploy]
  17. stsadm -o addwppack -name <name of Web Part Package> [-lcid <language>] [-url <url>] [-globalinstall] [-force]
  18. stsadm -o addzoneurl -url <protocol://existing.WebApplication.URLdomain> -urlzone <default, extranet, internet, intranet, custom> -zonemappedurl <protocol://outgoing.url.domain> -resourcename <non-web application resource name>
  19. stsadm -o allowuserformwebserviceproxy -url <Url of the web application> -enable <true to enable, false to disable>
  20.  stsadm -o allowwebserviceproxy -url <Url of the web application> -enable <true to enable, false to disable>
  21. stsadm -o associatewebapp -title <SSP name> [-default | -parent] -url <Web application 1 url,Web application 2 url> [-all]
  22. stsadm -o authentication -url <url> -type <windows/forms/websso> [-usebasic (valid only in windows authentication mode)] [-usewindowsintegrated (valid only in windows authentication mode)] [-exclusivelyusentlm (valid only in windows authentication mode)] [-membershipprovider <membership provider name>] [-rolemanager <role manager name>] [-enableclientintegration] [-allowanonymous]
  23. stsadm -o backup -url <url> -filename <filename> [-overwrite]
  24. stsadm -o backup -directory <UNC path> -backupmethod <full | differential> [-item <created path from tree>] [-percentage <integer between 1 and 100>] [-backupthreads <integer between 1 and 10>] [-showtree] [-quiet]
  25. stsadm -o backuphistory -directory <UNC path> [-backup] [-restore]
  26. stsadm -o binddrservice -servicename <data retrieval service name> -setting <data retrieval services setting>
  27. stsadm -o blockedfilelist -extension <extension> -add [-url <url>]
  28. stsadm -o blockedfilelist -extension <extension> -delete [-url <url>]
  29. stsadm -o canceldeployment -id <id>
  30. stsadm -o changepermissionpolicy -url <url> -userlogin <DOMAIN\name> [-zone <URL zone>] [-username <display name>] [{ -add | -delete } -permissionlevel <permission policy level>]
  31. stsadm -o copyappbincontent
  32. stsadm -o createadminvs [-admapidname <app pool name>] [-admapidtype <configurableid/NetworkService>] [-admapidlogin <DOMAIN\name>] [-admapidpwd <app pool password>]
  33. stsadm -o createcmsmigrationprofile -profilename <profile name> [-description <description>] [-connectionstring <connection string>] -databaseserver <server> -databasename <name> -databaseuser <username> [-databasepassword <password>] [-auth windowsauth|sqlauth] -destination <url> [-rootchannel <channelname>] [-destinationlocale <LCID>] [-migrateresources onlyused|all] [-migrateacls yes|no] [-emailto <address1;address2>] [-emailon success|failure|none|both] [-keeptemporaryfiles Never|Always|Failure] [-enableeventreceivers yes|no]
  34. stsadm -o creategroup -url <url> -name <group name> -description <description> -ownerlogin <DOMAIN\name or group name> [-type member|visitor|owner]
  35. stsadm -o createsite -url <url> -owneremail <email address> [-ownerlogin <DOMAIN\name>] [-ownername <display name>] [-secondaryemail <email address>] [-secondarylogin <DOMAIN\name>] [-secondaryname <display name>] [-lcid <language>] [-sitetemplate <site template>] [-title <site title>] [-description <site description>] [-hostheaderwebapplicationurl <web application url>] [-quota <quota template>]
  36. stsadm -o createsiteinnewdb -url <url> -owneremail <email address> [-ownerlogin <DOMAIN\name>] [-ownername <display name>] [-secondaryemail <email address>] [-secondarylogin <DOMAIN\name>] [-secondaryname <display name>] [-lcid <language>] [-sitetemplate <site template>] [-title <site title>] [-description <site description>] [-hostheaderwebapplicationurl <web application url>] [-quota <quota template>] [-databaseuser <database username>] [-databasepassword <database password>] [-databaseserver <database server name>] [-databasename <database name>]
  37. stsadm -o createssp -title <SSP name> -url <Web application url> -mysiteurl <MySite Web application url> -ssplogin <username> -indexserver <index server> -indexlocation <index file path> [-ssppassword <password>] [-sspdatabaseserver <SSP database server>] [-sspdatabasename <SSP database name>] [-sspsqlauthlogin <SQL username>] [-sspsqlauthpassword <SQL password>] [-searchdatabaseserver <search database server>] [-searchdatabasename <search database name>] [-searchsqlauthlogin <SQL username>] [-searchsqlauthpassword <SQL password>] [-ssl <yes|no>]
  38. stsadm -o createweb -url <url> [-lcid <language>] [-sitetemplate <site template>] [-title <site title>] [-description <site description>] [-convert] [-unique]
  39. stsadm -o databaserepair -url <url> -databasename <database name> [-deletecorruption]
  40. stsadm -o deactivatefeature {-filename <relative path to Feature.xml> | -name <feature folder> | -id <feature Id>} [-url <url>] [-force]
  41. stsadm -o deactivateformtemplate -url <URL to the site collection> [-formid <form template ID>] [-filename <path to form template file>]
  42. stsadm -o deleteadminvs
  43. stsadm -o deletealternatedomain -url <ignored> -incomingurl <protocol://incoming.url.domain>
  44. stsadm -o deletecmsmigrationprofile -profilename <profile name>
  45. stsadm -o deleteconfigdb
  46. stsadm -o deletecontentdb -url <url> -databasename <database name> [-databaseserver <database server name>]
  47. stsadm -o deletegroup -url <url> -name <group name>
  48. stsadm -o deletepath -url <url>
  49. stsadm -o deletepermissionpolicy -url <url> -userlogin <login name> [-zone <URL zone>]
  50. stsadm -o deletesite -url <url> -deleteadaccounts <true/false>
  51. stsadm -o deletesolution -name <Solution name> [-override] [-lcid <language>]
  52. stsadm -o deletessp -title <SSP name> [-deletedatabases]
  53. stsadm -o deletessptimerjob -title <SSP Name> -jobid <SSP Timer Job Id>
  54. stsadm -o deletetemplate -title <template title> [-lcid <language>]
  55. stsadm -o deleteuser -url <url> -userlogin <DOMAIN\name> [-group <group>]
  56. stsadm -o deleteweb -url <url>
  57. stsadm -o deletewppack -name <name of Web Part Package> [-lcid <language>] [-url <url>]
  58.  stsadm -o deletezoneurl -url <protocol://existing.WebApplication.URLdomain> -urlzone <default, extranet, internet, intranet, custom> -resourcename <non-web application resource name>
  59. stsadm -o deploysolution -name <Solution name> [-url <virtual server url>] [-allcontenturls] [-time <time to deploy at>] [-immediate] [-local] [-allowgacdeployment] [-allowcaspolicies] [-lcid <language>] [-force]
  60.  stsadm -o deploywppack -name <Web Part Package name> [-url <virtual server url>] [-time <time to deploy at>] [-immediate] [-local] [-lcid <language>] [-globalinstall] [-force]
  61. stsadm -o disablessc -url <url>
  62. stsadm -o displaysolution -name <Solution name>
  63. stsadm -o editcmsmigrationprofile -profilename <profile name> [-description <description>] [-connectionstring <connection string>] [-databaseserver <server>] [-databasename <name>] [-databaseuser <username>] [-databasepassword <password>] [-auth sqlauth|windowsauth] [-emailto <address1;address2>] [-emailon success|failure|none|both] [-excludeschema ] [-keeptemporaryfiles Never|Always|Failure] [-enableeventreceivers yes|no]
  64. stsadm -o editcontentdeploymentpath -pathname <path name> [-keeptemporaryfiles Never|Always|Failure] [-enableeventreceivers yes|no] [-enablecompression yes|no]
  65. stsadm -o editssp -title <SSP name> [-newtitle <new SSP name>] [-sspadminsite <administration site url>] [-ssplogin <username>] [-ssppassword <password>] [-indexserver <index server>] [-indexlocation <index file path>] [-setaccounts <process accounts (domain\username)>] [-ssl <yes|no>]
  66. stsadm -o email -outsmtpserver <SMTP server> -fromaddress <email address> -replytoaddress <email address> -codepage <codepage> [-url <url>]
  67. stsadm -o enablecmsurlredirect -profilename <profile name> -off
  68. stsadm -o enablessc -url <url> [-requiresecondarycontact]
  69. stsadm -o enumalternatedomains -url <protocol://existing.WebApplication.URLdomain> -resourcename <non-web application resource name>
  70. stsadm -o enumcontentdbs -url <url>
  71. stsadm -o enumdataconnectionfiledependants -filename <filename for which to enumerate dependants>
  72. stsadm -o enumdataconnectionfiles [-mode <a | u | all | unreferenced>]
  73. stsadm -o enumdeployments
  74. stsadm -o enumexemptuseragents
  75. stsadm -o enumformtemplates
  76. stsadm -o enumgroups -url <url>
  77. stsadm -o enumroles -url <url>
  78. stsadm -o enumservices
  79. stsadm -o enumsites -url <virtual server url> -showlocks -redirectedsites
  80. stsadm -o enumsolutions
  81. stsadm -o enumssp -title <SSP name> [-default | -parent | -all]
  82. stsadm -o enumssptimerjobs -title <SSP Name>
  83. stsadm -o enumsubwebs -url <url>
  84. stsadm -o enumtemplates [-lcid <language>]
  85. stsadm -o enumusers -url <url>
  86. stsadm -o enumwppacks [-name <name of Web Part Package>] [-url <virtual server url>] [-farm]
  87. stsadm -o enumzoneurls -url <protocol://existing.WebApplication.URLdomain> -resourcename <non-web application resource name>
  88.  stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs
  89. stsadm -o export -url <URL to be exported> -filename <export file name> [-overwrite] [-includeusersecurity] [-haltonwarning] [-haltonfatalerror] [-nologfile] [-versions <1-4> 1= Last major version for files and list items (default), 2= The current version, either the last major or the last minor, 3= Last major and last minor version for files and list items, 4= All versions for files and list items] [-cabsize <integer from 1-1024 megabytes> (default: 25)] [-nofilecompression] [-quiet]
  90. stsadm -o extendvs -url <url> -ownerlogin <domain\name> -owneremail <email address> [-exclusivelyusentlm] [-ownername <display name>] [-databaseuser <database user>] [-databaseserver <database server>] [-databasename <database name>] [-databasepassword <database user password>] [-lcid <language>] [-sitetemplate <site template>] [-donotcreatesite] [-description <iis web site name>] [-sethostheader] [-apidname <app pool name>] [-apidtype <configurableid/NetworkService>] [-apidlogin <DOMAIN\name>] [-apidpwd <app pool password>] [-allowanonymous]
  91. stsadm -o extendvsinwebfarm -url <url> -vsname <web application name> [-exclusivelyusentlm] [-apidname <app pool name>] [-apidtype <configurableid/NetworkService>] [-apidlogin <DOMAIN\name>] [-apidpwd <app pool password>] [-allowanonymous]
  92. stsadm -o forcedeleteweb -url <url>
  93. stsadm -o formtemplatequiescestatus [-formid <form template ID>] [-filename <path to form template file>]
  94. stsadm -o getadminport
  95. stsadm -o getdataconnectionfileproperty -filename <filename of the data connection file> -pn <property name>
  96. stsadm -o getformsserviceproperty -pn <option name>
  97.  stsadm -o getformtemplateproperty [-formid <form template ID>] [-filename <path to form template file>] -pn <property name>
  98. stsadm -o getproperty -propertyname <property name> [-url <url>] (SharePoint cluster properties: avallowdownload, avcleaningenabled, avdownloadscanenabled, avnumberofthreads, avtimeout, avuploadscanenabled, command-line-upgrade-running, database-command-timeout, database-connection-timeout, data-retrieval-services-enabled, data-retrieval-services-oledb-providers, data-retrieval-services-response-size, data-retrieval-services-timeout, data-retrieval-services-update, data-source-controls-enabled, dead-site-auto-delete, dead-site-notify-after, dead-site-num-notifications, defaultcontentdb-password, defaultcontentdb-server, defaultcontentdb-user, delete-web-send-email, irmaddinsenabled, irmrmscertserver, irmrmsenabled, irmrmsusead, job-ceip-datacollection, job-config-refresh, job-database-statistics, job-dead-site-delete, job-usage-analysis, job-watson-trigger, large-file-chunk-size, token-timeout, workflow-cpu-throttle, workflow-eventdelivery-batchsize, workflow-eventdelivery-throttle, workflow-eventdelivery-timeout, workflow-timerjob-cpu-throttle, workitem-eventdelivery-batchsize, workitem-eventdelivery-throttle; SharePoint virtual server properties: alerts-enabled, alerts-limited, alerts-maximum, change-log-expiration-enabled, change-log-retention-period, data-retrieval-services-enabled, data-retrieval-services-inherit, data-retrieval-services-oledb-providers, data-retrieval-services-response-size, data-retrieval-services-timeout, data-retrieval-services-update, data-source-controls-enabled, days-to-show-new-icon, dead-site-auto-delete, dead-site-notify-after, dead-site-num-notifications, defaultquotatemplate, defaulttimezone, delete-web-send-email, job-change-log-expiration, job-dead-site-delete, job-diskquota-warning, job-immediate-alerts, job-recycle-bin-cleanup, job-usage-analysis, job-workflow, job-workflow-autoclean, job-workflow-failover, max-file-post-size, peoplepicker-activedirectorysearchtimeout, peoplepicker-distributionlistsearchdomains, peoplepicker-nowindowsaccountsfornonwindowsauthenticationmode, peoplepicker-onlysearchwithinsitecollection, peoplepicker-searchadcustomquery, peoplepicker-searchadforests, presenceenabled, recycle-bin-cleanup-enabled, recycle-bin-enabled, recycle-bin-retention-period, second-stage-recycle-bin-quota, send-ad-email)
  99. stsadm -o getsitedirectoryscanschedule
  100. stsadm -o getsitelock -url <url>
  101. stsadm -o getsiteuseraccountdirectorypath -url <url>

1 comment:

Liam Flint said...

I like and suggest you to try LongPathTool program. It is very helpful for copying/deleting or renaming long path files.